287.4-Secondary thrombocytopenia.
Subcategory 287.4 is expanded into two codes. 287.41 for post transfusion purpura and 287.49 for other secondary thrombocytopenia.
315.3-Developmental speech or languate disorder.
Added 315.35, childhood onset fluency disorder to the subcagetory 315.3 for stuttering, which is childhood onset. Before we had only one default code for stuttering for both adult and childhood as 307.0, stuttering, and is being revised to adult onset fluency disorder.
447-Other disorders of arteries and arterioles.
A new subcategory is being added to category 447 as 447.7-Aortic ectasia and it is expanded into four new codes.
447.70: Aortic ectasia, unspecified site.
447.71: Throacic aortic ectasia
447.72: Abdominal aortic ectasia.
488.0-Influenza due to identified avian influenza virus.
This subcategory 488.0 is expanded into 3 new codes.
488.01: Influenza due to identified avian influenza virus with pneumonia
488.02: Influenza due to identified avian influenza virus with other respiratory manifestations.
488.09: Influenza due to identified avian influenza virus with other manifestations.
488.1-Influenza due to identified novel HINI influenza virus.
This subcategory 488.1 is expanded into 3 new codes.
488.11: Influenza due to identified novel H1N1 influenza virus with pneumonia
488.12: Influenza due to identified nove H1N1 influenza virus with other respiratory manifestations.
488.19: Influenza due to identified nove H1N1 influenza virus with other manifestations.
Coding Question:
Question: Inpatient encounter: Patient is discharged with rule out H1N1 (swine flu) with respiratory manifestations, can we code 488.12?
Answer: No. We cannot code suspected H1N1. H1N1 is exception from coding rule “rule out conditions at the time of discharge need tobe coded as if existed”. We need to code a code from category 487, instead of 488.1.
Refer also: http://happymedicalcoders.blogspot.com/2010/10/october-1st-2010-icd-9-cm-code-updates.html
Happy Coding!!
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