752.31-Agenesis of uterus
752.32-Hypoplasia or uterus
752.33-Unicornuate uterus
752.34-Bicornuate uterus
752.35-Septate uterus
752.36-Acuate uterus
752.39-Other anomalies of uterus
Coding Question:
Question: Is anomaly of uterus due to exposure to diethylstilbestol coded to 752.39, other anomalies of uterus?
Answer: No. It is coded to 760.76, as per excludes note under 752.39.
752.4- Anomalies of cervix, vagina, and external female genitalia. Four new codes were added to subcategory 752.4. And, the code 752.49, other anomalies of cervix, vagina, and external female genitalia is revised.
752.43-Cervical agenesis
752.44-Cervical duplication
752.45-Vaginal agenesis
752.46-Transverse vaginal septum
752.47-Longitudinal vaginal septum
780.3-Convulsions. A new code 780.33, post traumatic seizures is added to the subcagetory 780.3.
Coding Question:
Question: How is post traumatic epilepsy is coded?
Answer: Post traumatic epilepsy is coded with a code from series 345.00 to 345.91, depending on type of epilepsy specified.
Refer also:
October 1st 2010 ICD-9-CM Code Updates-1
October 1st 2010 ICD-9-CM Code Updates-2
October 1st 2010 ICD-9-CM Code Updates-3
Official ICD-9-CM Coding Guideline Changes W.E.F Oct 1st 2010
Please find the complete list of new, deleted and revised codes here:
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